
How To Colorize A Black And White Photo Using Layers Photoshop

How to Colorize a Blackness & White Photo in Photoshop

past Alexandra Bateman on Sep 15, 2022

Do y'all want to add colors to your vintage black and white photos? Sometimes you lot have a black and white prototype that needs color. In this article, nosotros will bear witness yous how to colorize a blackness and white photo in Photoshop.

How to Colorize a Black and White Photo

Of grade, you must first open your prototype in Photoshop. If you don't have it yet, y'all can get Photoshop hither from Adobe's site here. Their Creative Cloud Plans includes Lightroom and other super helpful software for but $9.99/month.

Make sure to download the newest version of Photoshop so that you lot tin more hands follow forth with this tutorial.

Next, go to Epitome » Manner » CMYK Color to catechumen your image into CMYK color.

CMYK Color

And then, select the Adjustments console at the right side of your Photoshop screen and add the Curves adjustment layer. I'll rename this layer "Pare" by double clicking on the layer name in the Layers panel.

If yous don't see your Adjustments panel docked on your correct-paw toolbar, merely go to Window » Adjustments from the top menu in Photoshop.

Add Curves

In the CMYK drop-down that appears after yous select to utilize your Curves adjustment, select Cyan. Yous can adjust the bend to manipulate the cyan saturation in the epitome. I've set my Input to 50 and Output to 30, because those values work best on my image. Keep in mind that your Input and Output values may differ depending on your photo.

Curves Settings

After adjusting the Cyan levels, yous should adapt the Yellowish levels from the same CMYK drib-down. Adapt the yellows bend until yous're happy with the yellow saturation. For my image, I settled on an Input value of l and an Output value of 53.

Yellow Curve Settings

Next, choose Magenta from the CMYK dropdown. Arrange the magenta curve in the same fashion that you did the xanthous and cyan curves.

Magenta Curve Settings

Now, click on Curves adjustment layer in the Layers panel and apply a Layer Mask. And so, select Invert in the adjustment layer when you pigment on the mask. Brand certain to select Capsize in the the adjustment layer when painting on the layer mask.

Select the Brush Tool from the Toolbar and ready the foreground colour to black. So, castor over the skin of your model to reveal the colorized skin you created. Exist certain to zoom into the photo to achieve perfect edges.

Brush Tool

Once y'all are done with the skin, you lot can now repeat the same process to colorize other parts of your image. Yous can besides use Curves to tweak whatsoever naturally blackness or white parts of the photograph, including the hair, eyes and highlights and shadows.

In this photo, nosotros used Curves adjustments to colorize the eyes, pilus, lips, jewelry and background in the photo. We likewise added an additional layer to arrange the lips. Make sure to create a new Curves adjustment layer each time you colorize a new portion of the photo — and label them!

Color Lips

That's all! You can see this before and afterward comparison below:

Colorize a Black and White Photo

The nifty matter well-nigh using Curves aligning layers to colorize your photos is that you can requite your photo any color tint you want. Nosotros chose a deeper, greener hue for this edit, but you lot could endeavor something warmer, or apply a more natural edit.

Nosotros promise this article has helped you to learn how to colorize a black and white photo in Photoshop. Yous may also desire to cheque out our guide on how to add a vintage Black and White effect in Photoshop.

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